Pastor Reimche bottom left, Bill Sharpe, Bishop Obare and other members of the Project 24 team.
I have received copies of a Project 24 newsletter that is coming into production in Kenya and it is very interesting reading. This is from Project manager Kissingers report on a site outside of Kisumu that was built and destroyed by weather and then had other issues. Kissinger reveals his method in a short report and I am happy to report that what he talks about happened.
“Tumaini is one of p24 but has not been in operation since its structures were put into place. I have visited this site two times with a series of meetings with the diocesan leadership to come up with strategies to start up the site by August 2015. During my visit I recommended the facility to be opened once some renovations have been done.
.Diocese need to form a board of management
.The board of management must prepare three contractors for bidding process of the renovation
.Board of management to form a task force to prepare the hosting of the Bible club competition to be held on 28th to 30th of August 2015.
.Once the contractor will be decided upon, the renovation will be allowed to take place within the specified time frame of three weeks.
.With consultation of the diocese, board and regions, the site recruits 40 girls to the site by the second week of August 2015.