Bernie preached Christ was “put to death for our transgressions and raised for our justification.” At first meeting he was so affable, kind, and comfortable in his own skin, one had no idea of his deeply thought-out and thoroughly biblical passion and ability to preach Christ for the consolation of souls. I had spent the day in the vast Kibera slums of Nairobi. The next day Bernie led a devotion so profound with the theology of the cross that I was speechless. At LCMS World Relief and Human Care, Bernie as a board member and I as a young executive, together delved into the Bible, the Lutheran Confessions, Martin Luther, the LCMS fathers, and discovered a rich theology of mercy, or as Luther called it, care for “Leib und Seele,” [body and soul] driven by the gospel, even Jesus Himself.
I’m delighted to support wholeheartedly this fund established by Bernie’s wife Faye, and assisted by our LCMS folks here in St. Louis. What joy that many Christ-preaching and mercy-loving pastors will be provided for the church in Africa and beyond because of Bernie’s passion which continues to inspire us all.
Matt Harrison
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Advent IV, 2022
St. Louis