
I remembered yesterday that I had written a blog about the LWML a few years ago and I remembered that I used the words from Ecclesiastes 1 and they seemed strangely apropos back then because it was after some tragedy  There is something truly chaotic about our life together these days.  Everyday there seems to be some tragedy or crazy event and the light seems dimmer all the time.  Even one of the house wives of Atlanta said that “there seems to be a cloud hanging over everything”.  The endless polls taken in the country show that people are nervous and anxious and a little depressed about the future.

In a world that truly seems unhinged there is a steady operation that seems to go on and never falter.  If it seems to be lacking one year it makes up for it the next.  That seems like a pretty big statement and it is.  The LWML as long as I can remember has been collecting their “mites” – boxes that are filled with change that are turned in at the unit meetings and sent to national and districts for grants to various mission projects  This was announced this week.

The LWML has surpassed their mite goal of 1.8 million dollars as of April 9 and still have a couple of months before their convention so keep those mites coming in.  Once again this is pretty amazing stuff and of course we thank God.  He gives us what we need and we give it back to him in the way we help others.