I took this picture a few years ago after we bought the Old Latin School next to St. Mary’s In Wittenberg.
It has been refurbished and will be dedicated Sunday.
Watch the dedication service of the International Lutheran Center at the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany, on Sunday, May 3. The service begins at 8 a.m. Central Daylight Time, and it will be broadcast live on livestream.com/thelcms/wittenberg.
The project is a joint effort by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Independent Evangelical—Lutheran Church (SELK) of Germany and the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg (ILSW) to establish a distinctly Lutheran presence in the very cradle of the Reformation.
The International Lutheran Center will provide the place, the opportunity and the inspiration for people to gather and learn about the Gospel Luther preached there. It will provide a unique venue, attractive to all of our existing and emerging partners worldwide, to help us share the Gospel that Luther rediscovered in the 16th century — the Gospel our world desperately needs to hear today.
Watch the service in real time with the live stream or later by accessing the archived version.